What is BPH, and What are the Signs and Symptoms?

When it comes to your health, it’s important to know your body, especially if you think you’re experiencing BPH signs and symptoms. At RX Sleeve, we take a holistic approach to men’s health and want all of our customers to know how to stay healthy and know the signs and causes of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Whether you’re prepping for the future or have been dealing with this common condition for a while, learning about BPH signs and symptoms is a smart move to help you along your health journey. This condition is uncomfortable and can disrupt your life, but knowing what it is and some of the benign prostatic hyperplasia causes can help you get a better perspective and manage better throughout the day and night.
What is BPH?
In order to understand BPH signs and symptoms, we need to know what it does to the body. Simply put, benign prostatic hyperplasia is an enlarged prostate. Millions of men deal with this across the world and deal with symptoms of BPH everyday. If you’re diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia, don’t worry. While this may be an inconvenience, it’s not life-threatening. Benign means not cancerous, but it can still impact your health. Benign prostatic hyperplasia causes discomfort while urinating and can be attributed to the prostate pressing against the urethra, giving you a constant feeling of needing to relieve yourself and difficulty urinating at times.
What are some signs and symptoms?
Now that you know what it is, we need to go over some BPH signs and symptoms so you can track them and stay healthy. One of the early indicators of BPH is urination frequency. If you feel like you’re rushing to the bathroom every hour or so, you may want to see your doctor. Some other things to be on the lookout for are a weak stream, dribbling at the end of urination, inability to empty the bladder, and trouble starting urination. Benign prostatic hyperplasia often causes health problems and urinary tract problems too, so don’t let this go unchecked by your doctor.
What are the causes?
This incredibly common condition typically happens as men age. In fact, 90% of men in their eighties have this condition. Some benign prostatic hyperplasia causes outside of aging may be family history, obesity, lifestyle, heart disease, and diabetes. While some of these factors are outside of our control, exercise and diet can help.
At RX Sleeve, we want to help men dealing with signs and symptoms of BPH. From education to our unique offering of supplements, our team has developed a wide array of men’s health assets for you. Plus, with our penis sleeves and accessories, you can reclaim the intimacy in your relationship and bring back the spark. Explore more from RX Sleeve and try all we have to offer today!