Spontaneity can help you have better sex

Spontaneity can help you have better sex

Spontaneity often leads in increase in interest and an increase in satisfaction, thus better sex.  Unfortunately, some men and women find being spontaneous a lot easier said than done.  Continue reading on for some helpful tips on how to be spontaneous.

One of the many ways that you can be spontaneous is by not waiting for your partner to initiate sex.  Unfortunately, many women wait for their husbands or boyfriends to get sex started.  In some cases, your partner may be hoping that you start showing more interest in being intimate with them?  What better way to do so than to initiate sex yourself?

A creative way to be spontaneous, where sex and intimacy is concerned, is by using text messages.  Send thoughtful, romantic, sexy and seductive text messages to your partner.  In addition to text messages, you can also call your partner or send love notes with them when they walk out the door.

Having sex somewhere other than the bed or the bedroom is another way to be spontaneous with your partner.  Of course, you have to be cautious if you have kids living in the house.  But that’s part of what makes it exciting. Be creative on the location and the position.

Getting intimate outside of the home by surprising your partner.  You can do this by booking a night at a hotel in town.  Make sure you choose one that has romantic rooms or an onsite hot tub or swimming pool.  If you are a parent, arrange childcare for your children first, like by calling on a trusted friend or family member.  Donít tell your partner about your plans until you are ready to leave, as being spontaneous involves surprising them.

As you can see, there are a number of different ways that you can use spontaneity as a way to improve your relationship, both inside and outside of the bedroom.  What are you waiting for?  Get started today?  Your partner may appreciate your quick thinking.

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