Improve Intimacy by Texting

Increasing intimacy and improving your relationship through the use of text messages is a fun and creative, yet unique approach to take. You may be surprised just how much passion can be ignited by simple text messages.
Remember, text messaging is a form of communication. For example, do you have any sexual fantasies or desires that you would like to see transformed into reality? Are you bored with your current level of intimacy and would like to make changes? If so, you need to speak with your partner. Unfortunately, this is often a lot easier said than done for some men and women. You should have no problem talking to your partner about intimacy, but the subject may be one that makes you feel uncomfortable. If that is the case, text messaging may be an easy approach to take. The ability to mask yourself behind a cell phone may provide you with a certain level of comfort and peace of mind.
In addition to using text messages as a way to improve your communication and your sex life, you can and should use it as a form of foreplay. Unfortunately, many individuals make the mistake of assuming that foreplay can only happen in the bedroom, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Is your partner on their way home from work? Are you in the mood for intimacy? If you are, send them a few sexy, seductive, and suggestive text messages. In a few creative words, let them know that you are at home waiting for them and ready for an adventure.
As romantic and as adventurous as using a cell phone to add new life to your intimacy can be, it is also important to proceed with caution. There are a few important dos and don’ts that you first need to know. Do not send sexy or seductive text messages to a family cell phone. A family cell phone can be defined as one that all members of the family uses, like one that your son or daughter may borrow. These types of text messages are and should be private. Also, avoid sending text messages to work-issued cell phones. Often times, text messages are not allowed, but they may also be viewed by others.
Flirty text messages can go a long way. For many, sending a text message is a lot easier than placing an actual phone call. Be sure to use caution and your best judgment. Do not go overboard or be too sexy or seductive. There are a better time and place for these types of messages.
As a recap, text messaging is a unique, fun, and creative way to improve your sex life and increase intimacy.