How a Penis Sleeve Can Take Back Intimacy In Your Relationship
The good news is that the RXSleeve Penis Sleeve is a viable erectile dysfunction treatment, without any of those side effects.
Medication is not always the answer.
For some men who suffer with the side effects, they don’t think that the side effects outweighs the benefits. Men even go on major medical sites to vent about these side effects. Headache being the biggest issue.
In some cases, other medical conditions like heart disease and high blood pressure, makes most erectile dysfunction medication nonviable.
RXSleeve Penis Sleeve can help, when medications can’t.
As a hollow, cylindrical penis lookalike that goes on the man’s penis to help with erection, the RXSleeve penis sleeve is easy to use and helps with extension and additional girth to increase pleasure with your partner.
It is non-invasive and non-surgical. It does not require doctor’s appointments or prescriptions. There are no medical side effects, no waiting, or no dosage management.
Here at RXSleeve, we pride ourselves in making sure that we only use top-notch quality on all our penis sleeves.
We use high quality non-hazardous silicone to ensure maximum safety. Silicone is completely non-porous. Therefore, it doesn’t absorb any fluids of any kind. This kind of material doesn’t allow any bacteria and fungi growth of any kind. It’s also easy to clean because it’s non-porous.
RXSleeve offer various options to fit your needs.
Our goal is that you will be able to reclaim intimacy in your relationship even with erectile dysfunction or impotence. We offer two types of material depending on your needs.
The FIRM MATERIAL is for those who are unable to achieve an erection.
The SOFT MATERIAL is for those who can maintain an erection. CLICK HERE to learn more about our material options and the rigidity comparison so you can pick the right option for you.
We also offer three types of color variations for a more realistic feel to the penis sleeve. CLICK HERE to find out what variations offer.
Sizing and customizing for a perfect fit.
Having a proper fit will allow for maximum benefits from a penis sleeve. CLICK HERE to learn more on proper sizing and what you need to measure in order to get the right penis sleeve for you.
Our Harness System, “The GRIP” will keep your sleeve in place at all times.
The Grip is attached to the sleeve, it is made of platinum silicone and stretches comfortably around the testicles. It is not removable and will be attached to your sleeve at all times. The material is not tight, does not pinch your skin when adjusting, and is actually simple to apply/remove. CLICK HERE to learn more about The Grip.
According to our customers, the RXSleeve harness, aka The Grip, is the most comfortable harness they’ve ever used. And we keep on improving our product based on feedback from our customers.
Ready to purchase your own penis sleeve? Fill out the form below and get exclusive deals.
It’s time to take back intimacy in your relationship without worrying about medicinal side effects. It’s time to enjoy sex again, even with erectile dysfunction and impotence issues.