Enlarged Prostate and Erectile Dysfunction: What You Need To Know

Enlarged Prostate and Erectile Dysfunction: What You Need To Know

Enlarged prostate and erectile dysfunction (ED) are some of the most common conditions that men become concerned with as they grow older. It’s only natural, then, to wonder whether there’s a connection between the two. Read on to find out if an enlarged prostate really does cause erectile dysfunction, and what you can do to deal with it.

The BPH Connection.

The clinical term for an enlarged prostate is prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). BPH is commonly seen through the lens of prostate cancer, but an enlarged prostate can also be a source of concern for men even when it is cancer free. If you’re not sure whether you have BPH, the symptoms include:

  • Trouble emptying your bladder
  • Sharp pain during urination
  • Significantly weakened urination
  • Higher frequency of urination

Tracking down the causes of enlarged prostates and erectile dysfunction is a challenge in men that are over the age of 50. In fact, it is estimated that around 50% of men over the age of 50 have BPH. Regardless, experts consider the chief reason to be an alteration in male hormones that occurs as a result of aging.

Does an Enlarged Prostate Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

The short answer? Yes, in certain cases. Despite the various facts and myths being thrown around, enlarged prostate and erectile dysfunction are both entirely separate medical conditions. The causes for each of them can vary wildly, but BPH does have the potential to worsen erectile dysfunction.

The best way to illustrate the impact of BPH on erectile dysfunction is to look at a massive study, undertaken by researchers to determine how urinary problems can affect male sexual function. The study revealed that there is a strong negative relation between sexual function and urinary tract problems. The general trend showed that men would experience discomfort and an inability to gain erections if they also happened to suffer from an enlarged prostate.

While there is a strong correlation between an enlarged prostate and erectile dysfunction, it’s worth pointing out that correlation does not always equal causation. If you’re wondering if enlarged prostate does cause erectile dysfunction, you should also be aware of the other common causes of ED, including:

  • Unhealthy Lifestyle Choices: Habits like chain-smoking and excessive drinking are heavy contributors to erectile dysfunction, and the effects can be a lot more devastating than you might realize at first. Aside from the long-term damage to your liver function, these habits can severely impact your blood circulation, which ends up causing erectile dysfunction. Keep in mind that a lack of exercise or being obese can also have the same effect.


  • Medication: It’s getting increasingly difficult to avoid taking medication in one form or the other with how hectic our modern lifestyles can be. Unfortunately, certain types of medicines can cause ED symptoms in users. This is most commonly observed with the usage of antidepressants and blood pressure medicine. If you’re worried about getting an enlarged prostate and erectile dysfunction, consult your physician before getting off a prescription, as medicines can act differently depending on the person.
  • Psychological: Enlarged prostate does cause erectile dysfunction among older patients, but ED can also be triggered by psychological factors for those far below the age of 50. Performance anxiety and low self-esteem, in particular, are known as key causes of psychological ED. Worryingly, those suffering from depression can end up finding themselves stuck in a self-perpetuating cycle with certain prescribed medications.

The variety of different causes can make it difficult for individuals to zone in on what’s behind their condition. If you’re worried about your erectile dysfunction and enlarged prostate, consult a doctor before making any drastic lifestyle and medication changes.

What Can You Do?

As complex as the causes of both conditions can be, alleviating symptoms and even reducing the chances of contracting ED and BPH is surprisingly simple.

Fighting BPH

9 out of 10 men will have an enlarged prostate by the time they approach the age of 80, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything to alleviate those painful symptoms. The first step to answering ‘does an enlarged prostate cause erectile dysfunction?’ and getting ahead of the diagnosis is to keep visiting a doctor at regular intervals. Experts can help you track bladder growth and ensure that it is benign and not cancerous.


Lifestyle changes are generally the first recommendation when it comes to dealing with erectile dysfunction and an enlarged prostate, but the truth is a little more nuanced. Even making significant changes like cutting out all processed foods won’t work as a miracle cure for BPH, but it can certainly help improve your prostate health. Adding in regular exercise and a healthier diet are essentials for healthy weight management, and staying fit will ensure that your symptoms don’t get aggravated.

According to some experts, an enlarged prostate diagnosis is often accompanied by a vitamin D deficiency. Correcting this deficiency through supplements–both natural and clinical–is a great way to reduce BPH and reduce the incidence of painful symptoms. Saw palmetto vitality supplements, in particular, have been known to help patients move past BPH-induced ED symptoms.

Moving Past Erectile Dysfunction and an Enlarged Prostate

An enlarged prostate does cause erectile dysfunction in some cases. Thankfully, advances in market awareness are helping patients reclaim their intimacy with effective supplements and penis sleeves. If you’re looking to get started on the right foot, check out RX Sleeve for custom products that can help you throw off that ED stigma and reinitiate intimacy with confidence. Talk to an expert today.